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Mariko Takehisa


1989    Born in Tokyo, Japan 

2010 Tokyo University of the Arts, B.F.A., Oil Painting  

2018 Tokyo University of the Arts, M.F.A., Oil Painting

Solo exhibition

​2023 "Portrate in the mirror"   Nihonbashi N11 gallery, Tokyo, Japan

Group exhibition

​2021  "Phantom / Phantasmagoria" Chinretsukan Gallery (The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts)

2019 " Art.0" OTEMACHI PLACE Lab, Tokyo, Japan

2018  "Art in Yujuku 2018" Kanetaya, Gumma, Japan

   "Tokyo University of the Arts The 66st Graduation Works Exhibitions" The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts), Tokyo, Japan

2017  “Art in Yujuku 2017” Kanetaya, Gumma, Japan

2015  “Rokko Meet Art 2015”Rokkoshidare, Hyogo, Japan

    “Obi vol.02 - HIRAKU -” Obiyasutematsu, Kyoto, Japan

             “Kumano Kodo Art Exhibition in Kii Nagashima” Mie, Japan

2014     Tokyo University of the Arts The 62st Graduation Works Exhibitions The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts), Tokyo, Japan

              “Rokko Meet Art 2014”Rokko Music Box Museum, Hyogo, Japan

               “kameyama Triennale 2014” Mie, Japan

2011        “Bamboo!” Gallery R, Tokyo, Japan

2010      “Art compeX10” The Artcomplex Center of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan



2014 “Rokko Meet Art 2014”grand prize


作品収蔵   2022年  南三陸311メモリアル

                 2018年  群馬県みなかみ市役所

                 2014年  東京藝術大学美術館


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